Online consultations ~ Private evaluations Seminars
"My 16 year old son shows no more symptoms of ADHD or learning delays. He is reading wonderfully, drawing and successfully participating in sports. These Connections movements made all of the difference in the world!" S.S., mom
"We no longer see any more symptoms of ADHD that our daughter had in the spring and she is completely off her medication. Her teachers don't see any more symptoms either. Shannon no longer gets up out of her desk in class and her impulsivity is gone. She had zero focus last year, but this year is a different story. My daughter has improved by 2 letter grades in all of her subjects and even made the honor roll! "These movements are the reason why our 11 year old daughter is no longer exhibiting any signs of ADHD and is off of methylphenidate (an ADHD medication). THIS WORKS!" Shelly W.
"We now have peace in our home. This was the best money we ever spent." Deb W.
"Our daughter went from taking 90 minutes to put on her shoes and sock to doing it in 2 minutes - only after 1 week of the Connections movements. We can't thank you enough!" Eileen K.
"We have seen significant progress in less “fight or flight", “cockiness”, focus and attention, non-verbal / verbal communication skills and better sleep. Unbelievable! And how fast the progress has happened is amazing. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your professional and insight into child development. It has allowed me to help my kids become closer to whom God intended them to be. I can’t thank you enough!" ~ L. B., Mom
"This was an excellent course! I was skeptical at first but once the class started, I became acutely aware that I needed it!" Alex D. Real Estate Professional
"After only 3 weeks of doing the Connections exercises, my 4 year old daughter has completely stopped her extreme nuclear meltdowns! After 4 months, they are still gone!" Kira T.
"We've attended several seminars and programs for our son who has special needs and Connections is by far the best. It answers so many questions and give us a plan that is easy to follow and integrate into our day. We are so excited!"
-Joanna K.
Last year, getting my son to do his homework was like pulling teeth. We attended the Connections seminar and started doing the movements. This year, he wants to get ahead by doing several days assignments and is extremely motivated! We credit Connections for this change in our son. M. & G. H.
This Occupational Therapist's son is changing already! She writes ..."I went to the seminar a few weeks ago in Richmond. My 5 year old was having difficulty in school with focus, he would zone out and not participate. He was unable to finish his work, and follow through with directions. Writing and reading was a struggle, and he started to dread going to kindergarten."
"I started with the Connections exercises the first night. There are changes already! This week we received a note home from his teacher that said "I am so proud of Eddie! He is like a different child lately. He is showing confidence and trying so hard. He wants to read all the time and is showing progress." This was a big change from the notes we have been receiving. So thank you!"
"If I was a parent I would be jumping all over this! Thank you. You have added a missing piece to my practice that I have always known was missing but didn’t quite know what to do." Kate B., therapist
"7 year old Jimmy has OCD, anxiety based ADHD and speech issues. Jimmy was born a normal healthy baby but developed PTSD from abuse received from a family member. His parents, both professionals, attended the Connections seminar July 26 in Fredericksburg and began the exercises that evening. This little guy would kick the wall, rock his bed and talk himself to sleep every night with medication. He would wake up every morning by 6 am wired and ready to go full speed! But the first night after doing the Connections movements ...
"Jimmy slept until 9:30 am and woke up refreshed and in a great mood and has slept every night since from 8pm to 9am approximately! For the first time in years he has not had night terrors, he does not call out in the night, and he falls asleep easy, without banging his feet on the walls to settle himself down. We are all catching up on our sleep! Now Jimmy can do the movements on his own. He seems to recognize that he could not do them before and this brings a smile to his face as he says, “look at me!” The other thing he seems to do now is laugh at humorous things that strike him as happy or funny. He has found his laugh which is high pitched and louder than average but it has begun. Before he would talk through an entire movie, ask questions, and when funny parts would occur he usually was not laughing or perhaps did not get the joke. We are excited to keep a journal and watch as different things begin for Jimmy and open up allowing him to grow into himself and learn. Thank you! " ~Shelly & Chip, parents
"We have two teenage sons - one diagnosed with Asperger's and the other suspected ADHD but never officially diagnosed. Our 2 and a half year old has been exhibiting the same behaviors as his older brothers at that age - but combined! - completely non verbal, very hyper, frustrated, not "connecting" well with others, unable to sit and focus on much of anything for longer than 30 seconds, and the list goes on. I could not keep up with him. I was completely overwhelmed and exhausted. My husband and I decided to intervene. We began to do the movements that I had learned at the Connections Seminar. After only 2 and a half weeks of the exercises Virginia recommended for him, he now sits and "reads" his books or plays with his play-doh for up to an hour or more, and he also plays with his toys by himself now, whereas before he needed to be entertained constantly or he would be bored and get into things he shouldn't. He sits quietly now and will let me read an entire book to him. I used to mainly look forward to nap time, but now I am starting to really enjoy spending time with him. Something has definitely changed. He is much calmer, can now say about 10 words, is relating and interacting much better, and is also more affectionate. The transformation is really exciting for me to watch and we are seeing new changes in him almost every day. He has been sitting and playing with his playdoh today right now for about 2 hours! I keep checking on him to make sure he is ok - I am so not used to this! He never even liked playdoh before! We are only doing up to five minutes of exercises a day - and we have also missed a few days here and there. Please parents, if your child is struggling with these or similar issues, give Connections a try. We have had tremendous success!" Sharon
Saturday night "Katie" and her siblings had a friends spend the night. So Sunday morning we had five 6 & 7 year olds at our home. She was late getting to bed the night before because the children's school had a Halloween party. Sunday morning all 5 children were up, 4 of them watching television, as Katie, totally on her own, closed the door between where they were and her "study area" and proceeded to do her daily homework. She did all this on her own and stuck with the homework until it was done. What 7 year old child who is known for her nuclear meltdowns, especially when she is tired, abandons her siblings and friends as they are watching television, to go do homework? None that I have ever know.
A week ago my spouse said to me "Thank you for pushing to have "Katie" evaluated and for working with her. It is the best money we have EVER spent." E & D
"Fantastic! Worth every penny & minute! This seminar should be attended by all educators, doctors and parents concerned with the proper development of their children." Holly D. , Health Coach
Collen J. writes ... "After a few weeks, Sam had a noticeable change in his speech. He was not repeating words and could get a whole sentence out. He was finally talking! My 9 yr. daughter had always struggled to be able to steer her bike and had given up trying. I asked her to try again wondering if the exercises might have helped her, and the first bike ride we went on, she steered perfectly and even exclaimed, "Mom, I loved it!" She has been biking a ton ever since. She also had a "lazy" eye problem that has gone away now. And ...
My 7 yr. son and 6 yr. daughter both improved in their Irish dancing ability. They looked pretty awkward and didn't stay with the music in late January. When I saw them dance again in March, their timing and ability had greatly improved. Sam is still a work in progress, but his body positions have improved dramatically. He holds his head up instead of bent over. His writing skills and socials skill need to be developed now that they can be, and it seems his motivation to work has improved."
"We know from experience that CONNECTIONS IS WORKING for our daughter and her brain is changing and developing! Last year she was in 100% special ed classes. This year she is in all general ed classes with the exception of math class!" Here is the comparison from 7 months ago since this family started the Connections movements with their daughter. Her mother writes ...
"Last December, Amanda (10) was in self contained school day/special education classes. Amanda's issue were all behavioral. We were determined to get her in the general ed environment because we knew the isolation from her peers and the core curriculum was stagnating her academic and social growth and she deserved to be included. We began the Connections movements in late January. The workshop was fascinating. I set up a list of the exercises and began doing them each night. It become a little chat time for us." "Within the first week of doing the Connections movements, things started to click for Amanda. One of the first responses from school was that Amanda "finally skipped across the gym today." That may not seem like a lot but the adapted PE teachers at two different school had been trying to get this goal reached for over a year. I just smiled when I read the note because I knew the connections were beginning to happen. From then on day after day behavior reports were showing 100% good behavior!"
"During the previous school year, 2012 - 13, Amanda was in crisis at the school and in the settle area everyday. By years end we had to change schools because she was so distraught. But this year she was more than on track. By the end of 2013-14 school year, she was full day in all General Ed classes and having lunch with a girls group. She had a great summer." "Due to family circumstances Amanda was at home alone quite a bit this summer. But, SHE decided that she would make the most of this time. Each day she made a schedule for herself for lunch, reading and writing time. She began writing a mini-novel. Each day consistently she completed her morning routine, made her own lunch and kept up with her reading and writing. All of this from the child that the previous school stated "she refuses to write her assignments and requires assistance from a one on one aide to remain on task and in self control". And now to begin 2014-15 year she will start the day in a real homeroom class and follow the day with science, history, specials, recess, lunch and all the normal things kids do during the school day! She will only have self contained math because that is still a struggle. We are excited about the new school because we truly have a new start with so many positives....thanks to Connections!
""Much of his OCD has subsided and he is calmer in other aspects, so thank you!" Jennifer C.
"Let's just wait until your child gets older, he is still too young."I couldn't wait. A mother's intuition is too powerful to ignore. My son is two and a half. I knew something was wrong because he understood me but two or three words would come out only by chance. He would express himself with sounds and a few sign language signs I had taught him. He tried to tell me things but it was only gibberish.
I attended the Connections seminar. I began doing some fun activities and exercises presented on the seminar and POP!!! Like a cork exploding out of a wine bottle, my son began using his words. His brain had made some connections. We are even playing pretend. He is using his imagination. We still have a long road to go, but waiting was not an option. Ladies and gentleman, moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, this seminar was made to show you something so simple and yet fascinating about your developing children. Virginia and Steve Largent will show you how to make that POP!!! in your child's brain. They say a child's laughter could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, and I agree, but for me it was hearing my son say "mommy" for the first time. - Gloria D.
The exercises my daughter has been doing in relation to brain connections have made a significant improvement in our quality of life. We discovered my daughter had motion sickness when she was an infant, which has been a challenge for all travel. And as she got older we also discovered she had problems climbing down stairs because she could not spatially figure out where her feet were going to land. Stairs entailed anxiety and panic which caused frustration for her and all of us as well. After doing the exercises, she no longer has ANY car sickness and is able to easily climb down stairs no problem. Thank you, Virginia for consolidating all the myriad of information out there and making it palatable for us parents. And for making practical exercises we can use in our everyday lives with our children. --Dana, Very Satisfied Parent"
From C. Cross: "We started doing the exercises, both morning and evening, about 8 weeks ago with our 4, almost 5 year old, son. At first, we did just 5-8 minutes each session as Mikey was not agreeable to more. Slowly, we increased the time and currently do about 15 minutes each session. We also modified his diet to included largely fresh, organic and non-GMO foods. While changing his diet did produce a slight change in his behavior, the exercises we have incorporated led to even more changes. Here are some of the gradual changes we have noticed over the weeks. "
1. We will be transitioning out of pull-ups and into underwear for night time as he is now able to make it through the night w/out an accident.
2. My picky eater, who had about 5 meals he would eat, is interested in trying new foods and we have added 4 new meals to his rotation.
3. He used to wake up every night in the middle of the night, but now it is probably 2 times out of 7.
4. He sits at the table 5 out of 7 nights and eats w/out getting up and moving around.
5. Mikey used to wake up in the morning crying and angry. Now he wakes up and quietly comes into bed and snuggles.
6. He is interested in learning his ABCs.
7. He is listening better. While I still need to repeat things more times to him than his siblings, it is considerably less than what it was earlier in the year.
8. He apologizes, spontaneously, when he’s done something wrong.
9. There is not an argument over everything (bathroom, getting dressed, putting on shoes, etc….) Mikey still argues about some things, but not everything!
10. Mikey is getting dressed on his own, at least some of the time, where before he would not do it at all.
11. According to teacher he is listening better in class, standing in line with other kids, and sitting still longer than he was before.
12. Less angry.
"Before the Connections exercises, Tommy took 35-40 minutes for his math homework, was only assigned half of what the rest of his classmates received, was on all day ADHD meds, still couldn't concentrate, and got C's and D's in math. We started doing the Connections exercises. In only a few months, his math homework takes 15 minutes, he is tasked with the full assignment received by his classmates, has no afternoon ADHD meds (Dr reduced them 50%!!), concentrates completing ALL of his homework and is getting A's not only in math but everything else too!" Grace H.
"I have 4 highly intelligent boys who I have always known have issues that other children don't. I was SO FRUSTRATED! When I attended this seminar I finally had hope! I now realize what all of their problems stem from! I can't wait to get started!" Sharon H., homeschooling mom
"My 16 year old son shows no more symptoms of ADHD or learning delays. He is reading wonderfully, drawing and successfully participating in sports. These Connections movements made all of the difference in the world!" S.S., mom
"We no longer see any more symptoms of ADHD that our daughter had in the spring and she is completely off her medication. Her teachers don't see any more symptoms either. Shannon no longer gets up out of her desk in class and her impulsivity is gone. She had zero focus last year, but this year is a different story. My daughter has improved by 2 letter grades in all of her subjects and even made the honor roll! "These movements are the reason why our 11 year old daughter is no longer exhibiting any signs of ADHD and is off of methylphenidate (an ADHD medication). THIS WORKS!" Shelly W.
"We now have peace in our home. This was the best money we ever spent." Deb W.
"Our daughter went from taking 90 minutes to put on her shoes and sock to doing it in 2 minutes - only after 1 week of the Connections movements. We can't thank you enough!" Eileen K.
"We have seen significant progress in less “fight or flight", “cockiness”, focus and attention, non-verbal / verbal communication skills and better sleep. Unbelievable! And how fast the progress has happened is amazing. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your professional and insight into child development. It has allowed me to help my kids become closer to whom God intended them to be. I can’t thank you enough!" ~ L. B., Mom
"This was an excellent course! I was skeptical at first but once the class started, I became acutely aware that I needed it!" Alex D. Real Estate Professional
"After only 3 weeks of doing the Connections exercises, my 4 year old daughter has completely stopped her extreme nuclear meltdowns! After 4 months, they are still gone!" Kira T.
"We've attended several seminars and programs for our son who has special needs and Connections is by far the best. It answers so many questions and give us a plan that is easy to follow and integrate into our day. We are so excited!"
-Joanna K.
Last year, getting my son to do his homework was like pulling teeth. We attended the Connections seminar and started doing the movements. This year, he wants to get ahead by doing several days assignments and is extremely motivated! We credit Connections for this change in our son. M. & G. H.
This Occupational Therapist's son is changing already! She writes ..."I went to the seminar a few weeks ago in Richmond. My 5 year old was having difficulty in school with focus, he would zone out and not participate. He was unable to finish his work, and follow through with directions. Writing and reading was a struggle, and he started to dread going to kindergarten."
"I started with the Connections exercises the first night. There are changes already! This week we received a note home from his teacher that said "I am so proud of Eddie! He is like a different child lately. He is showing confidence and trying so hard. He wants to read all the time and is showing progress." This was a big change from the notes we have been receiving. So thank you!"
"If I was a parent I would be jumping all over this! Thank you. You have added a missing piece to my practice that I have always known was missing but didn’t quite know what to do." Kate B., therapist
"7 year old Jimmy has OCD, anxiety based ADHD and speech issues. Jimmy was born a normal healthy baby but developed PTSD from abuse received from a family member. His parents, both professionals, attended the Connections seminar July 26 in Fredericksburg and began the exercises that evening. This little guy would kick the wall, rock his bed and talk himself to sleep every night with medication. He would wake up every morning by 6 am wired and ready to go full speed! But the first night after doing the Connections movements ...
"Jimmy slept until 9:30 am and woke up refreshed and in a great mood and has slept every night since from 8pm to 9am approximately! For the first time in years he has not had night terrors, he does not call out in the night, and he falls asleep easy, without banging his feet on the walls to settle himself down. We are all catching up on our sleep! Now Jimmy can do the movements on his own. He seems to recognize that he could not do them before and this brings a smile to his face as he says, “look at me!” The other thing he seems to do now is laugh at humorous things that strike him as happy or funny. He has found his laugh which is high pitched and louder than average but it has begun. Before he would talk through an entire movie, ask questions, and when funny parts would occur he usually was not laughing or perhaps did not get the joke. We are excited to keep a journal and watch as different things begin for Jimmy and open up allowing him to grow into himself and learn. Thank you! " ~Shelly & Chip, parents
"We have two teenage sons - one diagnosed with Asperger's and the other suspected ADHD but never officially diagnosed. Our 2 and a half year old has been exhibiting the same behaviors as his older brothers at that age - but combined! - completely non verbal, very hyper, frustrated, not "connecting" well with others, unable to sit and focus on much of anything for longer than 30 seconds, and the list goes on. I could not keep up with him. I was completely overwhelmed and exhausted. My husband and I decided to intervene. We began to do the movements that I had learned at the Connections Seminar. After only 2 and a half weeks of the exercises Virginia recommended for him, he now sits and "reads" his books or plays with his play-doh for up to an hour or more, and he also plays with his toys by himself now, whereas before he needed to be entertained constantly or he would be bored and get into things he shouldn't. He sits quietly now and will let me read an entire book to him. I used to mainly look forward to nap time, but now I am starting to really enjoy spending time with him. Something has definitely changed. He is much calmer, can now say about 10 words, is relating and interacting much better, and is also more affectionate. The transformation is really exciting for me to watch and we are seeing new changes in him almost every day. He has been sitting and playing with his playdoh today right now for about 2 hours! I keep checking on him to make sure he is ok - I am so not used to this! He never even liked playdoh before! We are only doing up to five minutes of exercises a day - and we have also missed a few days here and there. Please parents, if your child is struggling with these or similar issues, give Connections a try. We have had tremendous success!" Sharon
Saturday night "Katie" and her siblings had a friends spend the night. So Sunday morning we had five 6 & 7 year olds at our home. She was late getting to bed the night before because the children's school had a Halloween party. Sunday morning all 5 children were up, 4 of them watching television, as Katie, totally on her own, closed the door between where they were and her "study area" and proceeded to do her daily homework. She did all this on her own and stuck with the homework until it was done. What 7 year old child who is known for her nuclear meltdowns, especially when she is tired, abandons her siblings and friends as they are watching television, to go do homework? None that I have ever know.
A week ago my spouse said to me "Thank you for pushing to have "Katie" evaluated and for working with her. It is the best money we have EVER spent." E & D
"Fantastic! Worth every penny & minute! This seminar should be attended by all educators, doctors and parents concerned with the proper development of their children." Holly D. , Health Coach
Collen J. writes ... "After a few weeks, Sam had a noticeable change in his speech. He was not repeating words and could get a whole sentence out. He was finally talking! My 9 yr. daughter had always struggled to be able to steer her bike and had given up trying. I asked her to try again wondering if the exercises might have helped her, and the first bike ride we went on, she steered perfectly and even exclaimed, "Mom, I loved it!" She has been biking a ton ever since. She also had a "lazy" eye problem that has gone away now. And ...
My 7 yr. son and 6 yr. daughter both improved in their Irish dancing ability. They looked pretty awkward and didn't stay with the music in late January. When I saw them dance again in March, their timing and ability had greatly improved. Sam is still a work in progress, but his body positions have improved dramatically. He holds his head up instead of bent over. His writing skills and socials skill need to be developed now that they can be, and it seems his motivation to work has improved."
"We know from experience that CONNECTIONS IS WORKING for our daughter and her brain is changing and developing! Last year she was in 100% special ed classes. This year she is in all general ed classes with the exception of math class!" Here is the comparison from 7 months ago since this family started the Connections movements with their daughter. Her mother writes ...
"Last December, Amanda (10) was in self contained school day/special education classes. Amanda's issue were all behavioral. We were determined to get her in the general ed environment because we knew the isolation from her peers and the core curriculum was stagnating her academic and social growth and she deserved to be included. We began the Connections movements in late January. The workshop was fascinating. I set up a list of the exercises and began doing them each night. It become a little chat time for us." "Within the first week of doing the Connections movements, things started to click for Amanda. One of the first responses from school was that Amanda "finally skipped across the gym today." That may not seem like a lot but the adapted PE teachers at two different school had been trying to get this goal reached for over a year. I just smiled when I read the note because I knew the connections were beginning to happen. From then on day after day behavior reports were showing 100% good behavior!"
"During the previous school year, 2012 - 13, Amanda was in crisis at the school and in the settle area everyday. By years end we had to change schools because she was so distraught. But this year she was more than on track. By the end of 2013-14 school year, she was full day in all General Ed classes and having lunch with a girls group. She had a great summer." "Due to family circumstances Amanda was at home alone quite a bit this summer. But, SHE decided that she would make the most of this time. Each day she made a schedule for herself for lunch, reading and writing time. She began writing a mini-novel. Each day consistently she completed her morning routine, made her own lunch and kept up with her reading and writing. All of this from the child that the previous school stated "she refuses to write her assignments and requires assistance from a one on one aide to remain on task and in self control". And now to begin 2014-15 year she will start the day in a real homeroom class and follow the day with science, history, specials, recess, lunch and all the normal things kids do during the school day! She will only have self contained math because that is still a struggle. We are excited about the new school because we truly have a new start with so many positives....thanks to Connections!
""Much of his OCD has subsided and he is calmer in other aspects, so thank you!" Jennifer C.
"Let's just wait until your child gets older, he is still too young."I couldn't wait. A mother's intuition is too powerful to ignore. My son is two and a half. I knew something was wrong because he understood me but two or three words would come out only by chance. He would express himself with sounds and a few sign language signs I had taught him. He tried to tell me things but it was only gibberish.
I attended the Connections seminar. I began doing some fun activities and exercises presented on the seminar and POP!!! Like a cork exploding out of a wine bottle, my son began using his words. His brain had made some connections. We are even playing pretend. He is using his imagination. We still have a long road to go, but waiting was not an option. Ladies and gentleman, moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, this seminar was made to show you something so simple and yet fascinating about your developing children. Virginia and Steve Largent will show you how to make that POP!!! in your child's brain. They say a child's laughter could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, and I agree, but for me it was hearing my son say "mommy" for the first time. - Gloria D.
The exercises my daughter has been doing in relation to brain connections have made a significant improvement in our quality of life. We discovered my daughter had motion sickness when she was an infant, which has been a challenge for all travel. And as she got older we also discovered she had problems climbing down stairs because she could not spatially figure out where her feet were going to land. Stairs entailed anxiety and panic which caused frustration for her and all of us as well. After doing the exercises, she no longer has ANY car sickness and is able to easily climb down stairs no problem. Thank you, Virginia for consolidating all the myriad of information out there and making it palatable for us parents. And for making practical exercises we can use in our everyday lives with our children. --Dana, Very Satisfied Parent"
From C. Cross: "We started doing the exercises, both morning and evening, about 8 weeks ago with our 4, almost 5 year old, son. At first, we did just 5-8 minutes each session as Mikey was not agreeable to more. Slowly, we increased the time and currently do about 15 minutes each session. We also modified his diet to included largely fresh, organic and non-GMO foods. While changing his diet did produce a slight change in his behavior, the exercises we have incorporated led to even more changes. Here are some of the gradual changes we have noticed over the weeks. "
1. We will be transitioning out of pull-ups and into underwear for night time as he is now able to make it through the night w/out an accident.
2. My picky eater, who had about 5 meals he would eat, is interested in trying new foods and we have added 4 new meals to his rotation.
3. He used to wake up every night in the middle of the night, but now it is probably 2 times out of 7.
4. He sits at the table 5 out of 7 nights and eats w/out getting up and moving around.
5. Mikey used to wake up in the morning crying and angry. Now he wakes up and quietly comes into bed and snuggles.
6. He is interested in learning his ABCs.
7. He is listening better. While I still need to repeat things more times to him than his siblings, it is considerably less than what it was earlier in the year.
8. He apologizes, spontaneously, when he’s done something wrong.
9. There is not an argument over everything (bathroom, getting dressed, putting on shoes, etc….) Mikey still argues about some things, but not everything!
10. Mikey is getting dressed on his own, at least some of the time, where before he would not do it at all.
11. According to teacher he is listening better in class, standing in line with other kids, and sitting still longer than he was before.
12. Less angry.
"Before the Connections exercises, Tommy took 35-40 minutes for his math homework, was only assigned half of what the rest of his classmates received, was on all day ADHD meds, still couldn't concentrate, and got C's and D's in math. We started doing the Connections exercises. In only a few months, his math homework takes 15 minutes, he is tasked with the full assignment received by his classmates, has no afternoon ADHD meds (Dr reduced them 50%!!), concentrates completing ALL of his homework and is getting A's not only in math but everything else too!" Grace H.
"I have 4 highly intelligent boys who I have always known have issues that other children don't. I was SO FRUSTRATED! When I attended this seminar I finally had hope! I now realize what all of their problems stem from! I can't wait to get started!" Sharon H., homeschooling mom
“Let me tell you all the success we have had using the Connections movements! The biggest thing is that she and I have a real relationship now! That block in her brain that kept her from attaching is broken! We giggle and cuddle and hug - eye contact! And adult interaction! She uses her words and boy are they articulate! I get a trip out of her expressing herself - she is clear and direct when expressing her feelings! We have only had one "RAD" melt down (where she shuts down) since we have started these but when she had that we were able to snap her out of it and move on positively like it never happened! Usually it was days of coming out of it. And we have been exposed to a lot of her "triggers" with no effect! She accepts and submits to discipline as a moral conviction now - not victimizing herself or fighting against it which I think comes from the communication barrier being lifted. Her flight, fight and freeze is so much more rational now! She reacts appropriately to her environment and when she is aroused with fear or anger etc., she is able to calm down and move on! That's huge for her! She conquers a play ground, hiking paths and a game of tag, with a new sense of discovery and courage! We have a new fun way of dealing with bumps and bruises- " look mommy at all my fun" - school has been fun and a joy! She is so smart and has a real eye for detail. We forever are grateful to you and your husband for doing this! ~ Stacy B.
"Avery started 3rd grade this year and I have been giving him one third of the normal dosage of his medicine. In the past, he was on 30mg of Focalin and 2mg of Intuit. I am currently giving him 15 mg of Focalin and and doing the floor exercises that we learned in the Connections Workshop in July. I am working on getting him completely off the medicine by the end of the year. This past week, I went to school to meet with Avery's teacher. We are in the third week of the school year and the report she gave me was out of this world. I was so shocked I could not believe it. Not only has Avery's behavior improved, but so did his school work! His teacher told me that he is her helper in the classroom and Avery now helps other kids with their schoolwork. She recommended to the assistant principal that Avery should be one of the hall monitors. When the assistant principal called me she was so amazed and she ask what we did over summer vacation. I explained to her about the Connections Workshop we attended and how I implemented the floor exercises. In the past, Avery's handwriting was so messy that I could not even read it. His behavior was out of control, and he was constantly sent to other classrooms as well as to the assistant principal. He was yelling out all the time in class, would not sit in his seat and all while picking on other kids. As a single mother raising a boy, you can only imagine how stressed I was. I did not know what to do and I felt like my life was out of control. My girlfriend told me about Connections: The Brain Development Workshop and I signed up right away. I had to find a way to make a difference in my son's life. The difference in my son is truly a blessing. My prayers have been answered. Thank you for everything Mrs. Virginia, you have saved my son. Sincerely, Nichole Duncan, Mortgage Broker
"Avery started 3rd grade this year and I have been giving him one third of the normal dosage of his medicine. In the past, he was on 30mg of Focalin and 2mg of Intuit. I am currently giving him 15 mg of Focalin and and doing the floor exercises that we learned in the Connections Workshop in July. I am working on getting him completely off the medicine by the end of the year. This past week, I went to school to meet with Avery's teacher. We are in the third week of the school year and the report she gave me was out of this world. I was so shocked I could not believe it. Not only has Avery's behavior improved, but so did his school work! His teacher told me that he is her helper in the classroom and Avery now helps other kids with their schoolwork. She recommended to the assistant principal that Avery should be one of the hall monitors. When the assistant principal called me she was so amazed and she ask what we did over summer vacation. I explained to her about the Connections Workshop we attended and how I implemented the floor exercises. In the past, Avery's handwriting was so messy that I could not even read it. His behavior was out of control, and he was constantly sent to other classrooms as well as to the assistant principal. He was yelling out all the time in class, would not sit in his seat and all while picking on other kids. As a single mother raising a boy, you can only imagine how stressed I was. I did not know what to do and I felt like my life was out of control. My girlfriend told me about Connections: The Brain Development Workshop and I signed up right away. I had to find a way to make a difference in my son's life. The difference in my son is truly a blessing. My prayers have been answered. Thank you for everything Mrs. Virginia, you have saved my son. Sincerely, Nichole Duncan, Mortgage Broker
Here is the "after story" of 15 year old Matthew who was adopted at 18 months from Ukraine. He was swaddled the first year and a half of his life and exhibited autistic & ADD behaviors from
day 1. But huge changes happened only a few months into doing the Connections movements. His mother writes...
"2 months after his brain reorganization exercises, MIRACLES began to happen. Matthew all of a sudden became perfect at the Breast Stroke. His muscles and chest expanded, he grew inches in only a few months, He became so strong in Tae Kwon Do, everyone was shocked. He had tremendous power behind, kicks and punches, He was doing complex kicks high above the Masters head and crossing the mid-line effortless, His hamstrings were so tight and all of a sudden he could touch his toes. He was limber and strong. He excelled and is testing for his Blue Belt this Friday after only 2 months as a green belt. He remembers his forms effortlessly. They asked him to attend higher level classes vs. children's classes. His social skills exploded. He is making friends. I no longer have to talk for Matthew. He is taking initiative for himself and independence. He is making me and others laugh constantly. Matthew could only draw stick men, but now he was doing 3 dimensional pictures that were very advanced, with personal style. Unbelievable, for only 2 or 3 months. Just this week his reading and writing teacher said, " Matthew you shouldn't be in the self contained class anymore you are writing, your reading comprehension is too advanced for this class." Matthew said he now understands the algebra in his self contained math class. "It all of a sudden makes sense. Isn't that weird Mom!" Very often after brain reorganization exercises Matthew starts to draw or write complex stories for fun."
"His room is now organized and clean. He is working on his posture and overcome some scoliosis that came from hanging his head down over years. I think when Matthew starts to brush his teeth on his own, he will be done! I walked in yesterday and saw him standing next to his brother and he was brushing his teeth. I did not have to tell him. I'm sure there is so much more to come since this is only the 4th month." ~ Susan Cheffield., business owner and devoted mother
"Virginia made some very difficult information very accessible for all educational levels and backgrounds. It is packed full of information both theoretical and practical You will walk away from this seminar knowing how to help your child." Rhonda E., Occupational therapist, homeschooling parent
day 1. But huge changes happened only a few months into doing the Connections movements. His mother writes...
"2 months after his brain reorganization exercises, MIRACLES began to happen. Matthew all of a sudden became perfect at the Breast Stroke. His muscles and chest expanded, he grew inches in only a few months, He became so strong in Tae Kwon Do, everyone was shocked. He had tremendous power behind, kicks and punches, He was doing complex kicks high above the Masters head and crossing the mid-line effortless, His hamstrings were so tight and all of a sudden he could touch his toes. He was limber and strong. He excelled and is testing for his Blue Belt this Friday after only 2 months as a green belt. He remembers his forms effortlessly. They asked him to attend higher level classes vs. children's classes. His social skills exploded. He is making friends. I no longer have to talk for Matthew. He is taking initiative for himself and independence. He is making me and others laugh constantly. Matthew could only draw stick men, but now he was doing 3 dimensional pictures that were very advanced, with personal style. Unbelievable, for only 2 or 3 months. Just this week his reading and writing teacher said, " Matthew you shouldn't be in the self contained class anymore you are writing, your reading comprehension is too advanced for this class." Matthew said he now understands the algebra in his self contained math class. "It all of a sudden makes sense. Isn't that weird Mom!" Very often after brain reorganization exercises Matthew starts to draw or write complex stories for fun."
"His room is now organized and clean. He is working on his posture and overcome some scoliosis that came from hanging his head down over years. I think when Matthew starts to brush his teeth on his own, he will be done! I walked in yesterday and saw him standing next to his brother and he was brushing his teeth. I did not have to tell him. I'm sure there is so much more to come since this is only the 4th month." ~ Susan Cheffield., business owner and devoted mother
"Virginia made some very difficult information very accessible for all educational levels and backgrounds. It is packed full of information both theoretical and practical You will walk away from this seminar knowing how to help your child." Rhonda E., Occupational therapist, homeschooling parent
"Our son qualified for his private school's special ed tutoring program and was diagnosed with ADHD. I attended the Connections Seminar in July 2013 and have done the movements since then. He is typically a C average student with a few D's along the way. He was tested just before school began to make sure he still qualified for the program which he did. Tim continued to do the Connections exercises. This quarter, he made the B honor roll and does not meet the qualifications to be in the special ed tutoring program anymore! All this with a 25% reduction in ADHD medication! WHAT PROGRESS!! Our younger son who has also done the movements has had his ADHD medications reduced 75% by his doctor! I never though I would see my children relaxed." Grace H., Music teacher
"Very informative and fun!" Sherry B., Human Resource Manager
"Frustrated with our very intelligent daughter's behavior, we started searching for answers as to why she was acting the way she was rather than just accepting that she may need to be placed on medication. We wanted a solution to her behavior problems and thus we started the process of neurological reorganization. Within just a few weeks everyone was noticing big changes in not only her attention span but also her temperament. The daily emotional volatility was quickly disappearing and she was able to focus better and fidget less. The concept of neurological reorganization was very "out of the box" thinking but we were willing to give it a try before committing our child to perhaps a lifetime of medication. The results have been nothing short of amazing! Not only are these changes permanent; we feel they are one of the greatest gifts we could ever give our daughter. The short term commitment of time has truly paid a lifetime of dividends!" ~ Dr. Carol Morgan
Colleen Johnson writes ...
My husband and I attended the Connections Seminar in Fredricksburg at the end of January earlier this year. We were in hopes of helping our 12 year old son Sam speak coherently without repeating his words over and over and hardly ever finishing a sentence. He struggled with writing, social skills, and an awkwardness with his body positions and motions too. We didn't bother to diagnose him with any specific neurological disorder because I have always home schooled him. During the seminar, my husband and I both realized that all of our six children might benefit from the brain development exercises, not only Sam. Our son Sam also has auditory processing issues due to heavy antibiotics as an infant under a year, and eventually ear tube surgery at only 7 months old. That is why Sam's problems were noticeable, and the others' not so much a problem.
After a few weeks, Sam had a noticeable change in his speech. He was not repeating words and could get a whole sentence out. He was finally talking! He holds his head up instead of bent over. His writing skills and socials skill need to be developed now that they can be, and it seems his motivation to work has improved. Sam is still a work in progress, but his body positions have improved dramatically.
Our 9 yr. daughter had always struggled to be able to steer her bike and had given up trying. I asked her to try again wondering if the exercises might have helped her, and the first bike ride we went on, she steered perfectly and even exclaimed, "Mom, I loved it!" She has been biking a ton ever since. She also had a "lazy" eye problem that has gone away now. Our 7 yr. son and 6 yr. daughter both improved in their Irish dancing ability. They looked pretty awkward and didn't stay with the music in late January. When I saw them dance again in March, their timing and ability had greatly improved.
"Very informative and fun!" Sherry B., Human Resource Manager
"Frustrated with our very intelligent daughter's behavior, we started searching for answers as to why she was acting the way she was rather than just accepting that she may need to be placed on medication. We wanted a solution to her behavior problems and thus we started the process of neurological reorganization. Within just a few weeks everyone was noticing big changes in not only her attention span but also her temperament. The daily emotional volatility was quickly disappearing and she was able to focus better and fidget less. The concept of neurological reorganization was very "out of the box" thinking but we were willing to give it a try before committing our child to perhaps a lifetime of medication. The results have been nothing short of amazing! Not only are these changes permanent; we feel they are one of the greatest gifts we could ever give our daughter. The short term commitment of time has truly paid a lifetime of dividends!" ~ Dr. Carol Morgan
Colleen Johnson writes ...
My husband and I attended the Connections Seminar in Fredricksburg at the end of January earlier this year. We were in hopes of helping our 12 year old son Sam speak coherently without repeating his words over and over and hardly ever finishing a sentence. He struggled with writing, social skills, and an awkwardness with his body positions and motions too. We didn't bother to diagnose him with any specific neurological disorder because I have always home schooled him. During the seminar, my husband and I both realized that all of our six children might benefit from the brain development exercises, not only Sam. Our son Sam also has auditory processing issues due to heavy antibiotics as an infant under a year, and eventually ear tube surgery at only 7 months old. That is why Sam's problems were noticeable, and the others' not so much a problem.
After a few weeks, Sam had a noticeable change in his speech. He was not repeating words and could get a whole sentence out. He was finally talking! He holds his head up instead of bent over. His writing skills and socials skill need to be developed now that they can be, and it seems his motivation to work has improved. Sam is still a work in progress, but his body positions have improved dramatically.
Our 9 yr. daughter had always struggled to be able to steer her bike and had given up trying. I asked her to try again wondering if the exercises might have helped her, and the first bike ride we went on, she steered perfectly and even exclaimed, "Mom, I loved it!" She has been biking a ton ever since. She also had a "lazy" eye problem that has gone away now. Our 7 yr. son and 6 yr. daughter both improved in their Irish dancing ability. They looked pretty awkward and didn't stay with the music in late January. When I saw them dance again in March, their timing and ability had greatly improved.
Johnny is 5 years old and has done the Connections movements for several months. His mother writes, "I was concerned because he was extremely passive and very sensitive to sound. He had poor coordination, cried often and was always getting his feelings hurt. Johnny was also easily embarrassed, had low self esteem and pronunciation difficulties. He had no self confidence."
"Since we've been doing the Connections movements, Johnny's confidence has skyrocketed! His coordination has improved tremendously. He is asking what words mean and is more assertive, he will stand up for himself instead of letting other kids bully him. Johnny would never have done that before. He doesn't cry as easily and even asked an older girl to be his partner in Brain Builder's class last week. Finally my 5 year old son likes to jump on the sofa and isn't afraid of everything! He is taking the initiative to write, draw and color. He did not do those activities before starting the Connections movements a few months ago. He is overcoming his challenges and we are still working on others but I see the huge difference that has occurred in him and also myself! The Connections movements have even worked on my brain too!" Y. Duenas
"Since we've been doing the Connections movements, Johnny's confidence has skyrocketed! His coordination has improved tremendously. He is asking what words mean and is more assertive, he will stand up for himself instead of letting other kids bully him. Johnny would never have done that before. He doesn't cry as easily and even asked an older girl to be his partner in Brain Builder's class last week. Finally my 5 year old son likes to jump on the sofa and isn't afraid of everything! He is taking the initiative to write, draw and color. He did not do those activities before starting the Connections movements a few months ago. He is overcoming his challenges and we are still working on others but I see the huge difference that has occurred in him and also myself! The Connections movements have even worked on my brain too!" Y. Duenas
"I just wanted to tell you how encouraging and helpful we found our time at the March Connections Seminar in VA Beach. Zander has been sporadically cooperative in doing the exercises (which I'm keeping to a minimum right now). But, even that little has made a difference! I also am doing the exercises and am blown away at the difference it makes in my daily outlook and interaction with life!" ~ Adah M., homeschooling mom, 13 year old son
"My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the Connections seminar! I teared up a few times during the presentation simply because I am so happy to finally have hope! It was strongly suggested my son take medicine for ADHD, but I have resisted because of the side effects. I would rather fix the issues than put a band aid on them, and I feel like we are on our way to doing just that. It would be my dream to see this program incorporated into every daycare, pre school, and gym class so kids could start becoming all that God intended them to be." Jennifer C.
"This was GOD send! We have been having problems with our youngest who suffers with Reactive Attachment Disorder. We've tried everything and were about to give up. Then we got an email about "Connections" so we gave it a try. THIS WAS EYE OPENING FOR US! We can't wait to go home and start this with all of our children. We will be telling all of our friends about this." J & S Baham, Worship Minister, stay home Mom
"Awesome! Virginia truly has a heart and love to help all of our children with issues. It's a load of information that will help ANY family!" G & K Sokolowski
"Thank you for this program! We have been involved in various occupational and vision therapies and brain training. This program put it all together perfectly! It's so refreshing to have an all-encompassing program once and for all. Thank you!" Denese B., parent and teacher
"Twelve year old Max has autism and anxiety issues. He is committed to doing the connections movements daily and challenges himself to do more each week. After 2 weeks of exercises, he was calmer, less reactive in his therapy session and had 2 weeks of success at school keeping himself calm. He still had a little problem calling out in class but his mother said she hadn’t had a call from school in 2 weeks which was a relief to her. Max's mother also said that in baseball he is able to accept not being chosen or when he does strike out he doesn’t “lose it" on the field. Thank you for the Connections exercises! They add a piece to my practice that I have always known was missing but didn’t quite know what to do."
~Kate B., Certified Mental Health Counselor and Therapist.
Your Connections Seminar was a Real Revelation! We are so excited to begin, we can hardly contain our excitement! It was kind-of-like a Forth of July Fire Works Celebration! So many Ahhhhhhh's and Ohhhhhh's that are screaming to be shared! Thanks for all that you do. R & L Hansen "We have attended several seminars and programs for our son who has special needs and Connections is by far the best. It answers so many questions and give us a plan that is easy to follow and integrate into our day. We are so excited!" Johanna K.
Jordan turned 4 in April. Five months ago, he was afraid of heights, hated noise so much he wouldn't take a shower, wet the bed, had uncontrollable meltdowns and lacked self confidence. Then his mom attended Connections: The Brain Development Seminar and immediately implemented easy movements and exercises into his daily routine. Look at Jordan now! His mother writes ...
"Jordan has been climbing everything in sight! He's climbing every tree in our backyard...this is our formerly afraid of heights guy. Things took off once I realized one day, hey, climbing is just like doing our Connections movements. He now loves to climb higher than our heads and gets a kick out of being taller than us!"
"Jordan took his first shower with wax ear plugs, mind you, but ever since then he's never wanted to take a bath again! Now he wants to do it "by myself" and two days ago he took a shower without the earplugs! I help him with washing his hair so he doesn't get the soap in his eyes, and provide a few instructions as I watch through the frosty glass, but that's it! Oh, and after he's done washing, he likes to "dance" in the water for a minute or two before he gets out! The noisy water does not bother him anymore."
"Jordan still hasn't wet the bed since he's been doing the movements... some time ago he did wet the bed 2 nights in a row during the stint where we didn't do movements. Now, even if we miss a day or two he still stays dry. I believe his brain is getting fully connected. About the meltdowns - he is able to calm down/recover MUCH quicker, and the tantrums are not as explosive. The longer we do the movements and the more consistent we are, the farther we seem to get from the thrashing body type tantrums! I'd say we're doing the whole regiment 3-4 days a week."
"Jordan has been climbing everything in sight! He's climbing every tree in our backyard...this is our formerly afraid of heights guy. Things took off once I realized one day, hey, climbing is just like doing our Connections movements. He now loves to climb higher than our heads and gets a kick out of being taller than us!"
"Jordan took his first shower with wax ear plugs, mind you, but ever since then he's never wanted to take a bath again! Now he wants to do it "by myself" and two days ago he took a shower without the earplugs! I help him with washing his hair so he doesn't get the soap in his eyes, and provide a few instructions as I watch through the frosty glass, but that's it! Oh, and after he's done washing, he likes to "dance" in the water for a minute or two before he gets out! The noisy water does not bother him anymore."
"Jordan still hasn't wet the bed since he's been doing the movements... some time ago he did wet the bed 2 nights in a row during the stint where we didn't do movements. Now, even if we miss a day or two he still stays dry. I believe his brain is getting fully connected. About the meltdowns - he is able to calm down/recover MUCH quicker, and the tantrums are not as explosive. The longer we do the movements and the more consistent we are, the farther we seem to get from the thrashing body type tantrums! I'd say we're doing the whole regiment 3-4 days a week."
Register for a seminar by emailing your name and cell to [email protected]. Please include a paragraph about your child or if you are attending for professional development. Registration fee of $300 is accepted at VENMO at Virginia Dill / 757-717-7187.