Movements develop the senses and the senses develop the brain.
Help, hope and answers
for ADD, ADHD, SPD, Autism and more.
I have attended Connections and highly recommend it to all parents and teachers. The information is eye opening, scientifically based and very effective. Connections really does bring help, hope and answers. The results of this program are truly amazing. Thank you for the difference you have made in my child!"
~ Dr. Carol Morgan
Rockerfeller University, UCLA Berkely, Yale, Harvard and many more leading institutions have published findings on how movements change the brain. Connections bring all of this invaluable information to you in an easily understood program for your family.
The only thing that makes a neuron grow and connect is movement.
At Connections, learn how to improve and possibly even eliminate ADD/ADHD, autism, sensory processing delays, academic and behavioral issues and more through the movements that develop the brain.
At Connections, learn how to improve and possibly even eliminate ADD/ADHD, autism, sensory processing delays, academic and behavioral issues and more through the movements that develop the brain.
After only 3 weeks of doing the Connections exercises, my 4 year old daughter has completely stopped her extreme nuclear meltdowns! After 4 months, they are still gone!"Kira T.
"My 16 year old son shows no more symptoms of ADHD or learning delays. He is reading wonderfully, drawing and successfully participating in sports. These Connections movements made all of the difference in the world!"
S.S., mom

Even highly intelligent and "gifted" children struggle with theses symptoms. Many of these children are classified with learning disabilities, special needs and are prescribed various medications that never correct the problem – underdeveloped & disorganized parts of the brain. Connections deals with the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms!

Was your child restricted in movement for the first year of life? Did your child walk very early or after 13 months? During the first year of life the brain is undergoing developmental and organizational phases. During the first year of life, dramatic growth and organizational changes occur in the brain in response to the birth process, movement, stimulation and the environment. The brain stem and mid brain areas are supposed to mature and primitive reflexes disappear during a child’s first few years in response to the body’s normal sensory motor skill development. There are foundational areas of the brain that are developed ONLY through a young infant being on their tummy & going through all of the stages of creeping and crawling correctly and thoroughly. If these stages are limited or skipped, that part of the brain does not fully connect and communication within the brain between all motor area and higher learning centers is adversely affected. This has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact, many extremely intelligent children can have several of these issues. Every child dealing with an unorganized brain has totally different manifestations. Some children display only a few traits, others show more.
We no longer see any more symptoms of ADHD that our daughter had in the spring and she is completely off her medication. Her teachers don't see any more symptoms either. Shannon no longer gets up out of her desk in class and her impulsivity is gone. She had zero focus last year, but this year is a different story. My daughter has improved by 2 letter grades in all of her subjects and even made the honor roll! "These movements are the reason why our 11 year old daughter is no longer exhibiting any signs of ADHD and is off of methylphenidate (an ADHD medication). THIS WORKS!"

Is your child part of the 17% of those who skipped crawling, dislikes tummy time or was restricted in movement during the first few years of life?
These youngsters, even though they are highly intelligent, will eventually demonstrate many of the following tendencies because parts of their brains are disconnected:
- Autism
- Dyslexia
- Auditory processing delay
- Aggression
- Inattentiveness
- Incorrect Social Responses
- Social Ineptness
- Depression
- Unusual Behavior
- Extreme and frequent tantrums
- Emotional outbursts
- Reading or Writing problems
- Vision problems
- Uncoordination & clumsiness
- Touches everything
- Apathetic to others
- Problems Transitioning
- Chewing
- Laveled “The Troublemaker"
- Speech delay
- Poor Fine Motor SkillS
- Constantly Moving
- Dysgraphia
- Bed wetting
- Defensiveness

The good news is that the brain is malleable!
It can be changed and developed at any age, it’s never too late. The latest scientific research is just now showing us new break throughs that can correct these problems by organizing the brain. This is called "Neurological Reorganization." This brings relief and hope to families whose homes have been turned upside down by their child who abbreviated their early developmental phases.
Connections: The Brain Development Seminar teaches how to reorganize the brain.
Scientifically based with references cited, it is interactive, educational and fun. Connections teaches about the brain and shows the specific exercises and movements that will stimulate precise neurological pathways in the brain where the disconnects exist. It can complete the reorganization process and also integrate primitive reflexes. Attendees will be fully equipped to transform their child with Connections.
The Connections seminar covers
- The sensory systems
- primitive reflex integration
- movements that develop the frontal lobes, corpus callosum and brain stem
- how to test for and identify underdeveloped brain areas
- how to design a movement plan specific for your child’s needs
- movements that can improve and even eliminate ADD/ADHD, sensory delays, extreme nuclear meltdowns, autism and more
- perfect for parents, teachers and professionals
Register for a seminar by emailing your name and cell to [email protected]. Please include a paragraph about your child or if you are attending for professional development. Registration fee of $300 is accepted at VENMO